Contact/Partner Yoga & Yogassage
In this Workshop we will explore the many tools that can be utilized to practice yoga with a partner. I will draw upon my experience of both yoga and massage to teach safe and effective ways that will enhance yoga postures for both partners. We will use hands on spotting, yogic massage techniques as well as basic partner balancing.
Energy Locks: Floating & Inversions
In this workshop you will learn a variety of techniques to enhance your yoga practice. With the use of energy locks to refine your breath and healthy alignment patterns to use your body more efficiently, students gain a deeper understanding of how to approach jumps, arm balances and inversions in a safe, productive and individually appropriate manner. These refinements will help you to cultivate an overall lighter quality in your body and harness your potential more fully.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga: The Primary Series
This workshop is an introduction to the original vinyasa yoga, an ancient and highly refined system of yoga that cultivates physical strength, flexibility, endurance, grace and meditative focus setting the foundation necessary to progress safely along the path of yoga.
All students, regardless of limitations, can benefit greatly from this practice. The full Ashtanga system practiced with devotion leads to freedom within one’s heart, destroys the impurities so that the light of knowledge and discrimination shines. Adam offers a soft, holistic approach to this strong practice due to his many years of unbroken discipline in Asana as well as Pranayama and Meditation.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:The Intermediate Series
The intermediate or second series is called Nadi Shodana, meaning nervous system purification. It cleanses and strengthens the nervous system and the subtle energy channels throughout the body. This series is only introduced when the primary series is strong. It follows the same progression (sun salutations, standing, sitting etc.) as the primary series, but introduces new poses such as backbends, feet behind the head variations, twisting and arm balancing.
In this workshop Adam will guide us through, in progression the three primary components of classical yogic practice. We will begin with a moderate vinyasa sequence as a preparatory exercise so that we may sit comfortably for an extended period. Moving on to an experience of pranayama, a stretching and subtle control of our vital energy through breath work which helps to further purify our body and steady the mind. The workshop will conclude in the practice of Meditation, the act of effortlessly concentrating on one point. It is the gateway to inspiration, intuition, insight, well-being and regeneration. The science of Meditation is a slowing down of ones brainwaves that contributes to a healing and rejuvenation of the entire human system.
The Yogic Practice Of Pranayama: A Workshop
For many yogis pranayama is considered the bridge between asana and meditation and has the power to enhance both. Having sustained a daily pranayama practice for the last 20 years I would like to share with you my experience. In this workshop I will be leading you through a moderate vinyasa practice beforehand as a preparation for this next stage of yoga.
Hands-On Adjustment Workshop For Yoga Teachers
In this workshop we will explore a variety of yoga poses and how to adjust each of them safely and effectively. This workshop will also give you an opportunity to refine your present skill set cultivating a deeper level of understanding and sensitivity to assist your students along the path of yoga.
Advanced Asana Workshop
In this workshop we will explore the path to more advanced asanas in a safe, intelligent progression utilizing preparatory exercises and detailed alignment. Come and take your practice to a whole new level, consciously working your edge with sensitivity and awareness.